Moving house is sometimes a necessary pain and is often considered to be one of the most stressful events in an adult's life. The stress of packing up everything you own and lugging it over to a new place, can cause you to temporarily experience high levels of stress which can affect your work and relationships.
It doesn’t have to be that way though. Read on for our top tips on preventing and avoiding the mental headaches of a home relocation.
Make A Plan
Being disorganised adds to the stress. If you’re running around like a headless chicken then of course you’re going to feel the pressure, especially if you’re trying to get everything packed and ready to go in time for the moving van to arrive. Avoid this by making a good plan detailing
everything that needs to go and when it needs to be packed. This leads into the next point:
Start Early!
Don’t leave it to the last minute, everything could get on top of you and you’ll feel a lot of pressure. Instead, start your packing early and take your time. A little bit at a time will add up and before you know it you will have packed up everything.
Ask for Help
Many hands make light work and nowhere is that more applicable than when moving. Reach out to friends and family and try and get everyone to pitch in and help you out. The more help you’ve got (within reason), the easier and less stress it will be.
Take Regular Breaks
Have a cup of tea or just sit down for a few minutes every hour. This time will help you recharge and refresh your mind. Rome wasn’t built in a day! It will also give your body a break too. Back injuries are a common result of lifting and pulling heavy objects, so taking regular breaks are a great way to give your back a rest also.
Use A Moving Company
Ok we had to say it, use a professional mover! If a move is going to be stressful, why not avoid it entirely by paying for a professional company with a wealth of experience in the field to manage the whole operation. That means you can put your feet up and simply arrive at your new home ready to move in without the stress.
Putting all these tips together should help you reduce the amount of stress involved in your moving experience and ready to enjoy living in your new home.